Free Keyword Density Checker

The tool you’re using is an web application that allows users to input a paragraph and a keyword to analyze the frequency of words. It includes features such as limiting the paragraph to a maximum of 200 words, counting the frequency of a specific keyword.

Word Frequency Counter

Word Frequency Counter

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the tool:

  • Enter Paragraph (max 200 words):
  • In the “Enter Paragraph” textarea, input the paragraph you want to analyze. The tool has a maximum limit of 200 words to keep the analysis concise.
  • Enter Keyword (optional):
  • In the “Enter Keyword” input field, you can optionally input a specific keyword you want to count the frequency of in the paragraph. If you leave it blank, the tool will count the frequency of all words in the paragraph.
  • Click “Count Frequency”:
  • After entering the paragraph and, optionally, a keyword, click the “Count Frequency” button. The tool will analyze the input and provide the word frequency results.
  • View Results:
  • The tool will display the results in descending order of word frequency. Each word and its frequency will be listed, excluding common words like prepositions, vowels, and single-letter words.