If you are visiting or are a resident of India, then you will know that most of the cars in India are white in color. And even today, people prefer to buy white-coloured cars. Do Indians think white is good for cars? Is white really the best colour for cars? or is it because of tropical heat or something else?
Why do most People buy White-Coloured Cars in India?
Lets be practical, There are many reasons for this, but the biggest reason is that in India, Even now, white-coloured cars are associated with social status. The belief behind this also works that many people in India believe that white color is lucky for them. But there are many other reasons also

From the old 1970s until some time ago, the white-coloured Ambassador car was very popular because it was used to be driven by government people holding high positions, politicians, or rich people. These cars were shown every time in vintage Bollywood films. For this reason, people started following him first.
Is white Colour Good for Cars?
But today, the common Indian has moved away from this mentality, yet white-coloured cars are being sold the most in India. The biggest reason for this is the safety of the car.
You know, For a common middle-class Indian, owning a car is a big achievement in life. And as soon as the common man goes to the showroom, he asks or thinks which color will be best for the car? When a common man goes to a car showroom, he is told that scratches are not easily visible on a white car. Whereas in dark-coloured cars like blue or black, even small scratches are visible, which spoil the look of the car.
At the same time, a dark-coloured car looks dirty quickly, whereas a white-coloured car does not appear so dirty even if dust accumulates on it.
Another big reason for white cars being sold more is that most of the roads in India do not have road lights, and the roads are single without dividers. If you are on a long route, then the danger increases at night in many villages or on deserted roads because vehicles can suddenly come from the village area from the wrong side without lights. In the dark, black or blue-coloured cars can come from the front, which increases the risk of accidents.
But this has a different pattern for car manufacturers in India than in the rest of the world. Car manufacturers and paint businesses work together to create unusual colours other than the traditional colours of black, white, grey, and silver.
Cars are commonly painted white during the early stages of vehicle prototyping for testing purposes to prevent design leaks and are then masked. Even when regular production begins, there is still no first colour option, which is usually white with a pearl finish.
Whatever the case, a pearl white car is probably still the first choice of Indians. Isn’t it?

About the Author
Manish love to write and he is a Civil Servant and Engineering Graduate. follow Manish on Instagram
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